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The TBRC is a high-speed, rotating vessel fired by an oxy-fuel lance.  Both the lancing technique and the rotation of the vessel provide remarkable augmentation in mass transfer rates compared with reverberatory or rotary furnaces.  The lances have been developed over a number of years and provide variable depth of insertion and angle in the vessel, and incorporate internal fiber optic flame monitoring.  TBRC's are versatile processing vessels.  They can be used for smelting and refining in the same vessel. 

Cominco TBRC .png
Top Blown Rotary Converter TBRC

TBRC  pouring

For refining processes, such as the removal of base from precious metals, oxygen is applied.

Applications include:

  • Processing of anode slimes and calcines.

  • Reductive and/or flux smelting of base and precious metal concentrates, sweeps, residues and flue dust.

  • Fuming for elimination of selenium, arsenic, antimony and numerous other volatile metals.

  • Electronic scrap and photographic waste processing. 

  • Converting copper-nickel and pgm mattes.

TBRC in Action

The Advantages of TBRC Processing

  • High process intensity

  • Low wetted surface & minimal inventory

  • High heat and mass transfer rates for rapid processing

  • 50 - 70% thermal efficiency

  • Minimal process off gas handling

  • Simple & quick shell changing to minimize precious metal lockup

  • Control of furnace atmosphere by lance stoichiometry


JWT pioneered the combination of electric furnaces in conjunction with a TBRC for smelting and subsequent refining with minimal loss of values for both CuNiPgm feeds.  The work was carried out through piloting to bankable feasibility.  The company has applied this to auto catalyst materials too providing substantial upgrading of the precious metals.  Due to their very high throughput and relatively small vessel volume, precious metals inventory in a TBRC is much lower than with former processes.

JWT can advise on the appropriate selection of furnace and configuration of equipment to meet your needs.

One of the more common applications of the TBRC is the processing of lead, copper or nickel anode slimes for the recovery of precious metals.  



In the treatment of anode slimes, two principal cycles are required:


  1. Smelting -- fusion of the charge under neutral conditions with the elimination of the majority of gangue material, sulfur and silica. This can be done with a continuous water-cooled feeder and oxy-fuel firing lance in neutral conditions.

  2. Oxidative Refining -- elimination of lead, selenium, tellurium and copper to low levels in doré. This, being exothermic, is achieved with a low firing rate of the oxygen-fuel lance with a separate metallugical lance. Base metal slags of different composition are removed on a batch basis, prior to final finished precious metal casting.


These processes are carried out rapidly in a TBRC and can result in one pour of refined bullion per day. Specific cycles can be evaluated on a case by case basis. Contact JWT for further information.

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